Monday, February 6, 2012

Home Again, Home Again

We returned yesterday from 9 days in Florida.  Beautiful.

We so needed the rest!

And I truly believe, on family enjoys each other as much as we do.  We laugh and giggle together.  We talk about God openly.  And we talk about our pain and hopes as well.

It was a hard trip for Ashley.  She will NOT use an assistive device.  So she walked every DW park, keeping up with us.  At night, her ankle was swollen and required ice.  But she did not complain.

One evening, she and I were alone in the Magic Kingdom, doing our own thing - shopping.  She told me she loved the trip but it was physically and emotionally hard on her.

Physically I understood.  But emotionally?

"Yes, I see the kids my age and how they can walk and move and I can't do that.  It hurts my heart."

This momma hurt too.  I walked through the park in tears, so thankful for the darkness.  She held my hand and we watched the theatre show, "Wishes do come true."

Her wishes have not come true - cerebral palsy still there.  Myoclonus dystonia still plagues her body.  Toes are better, and we are so thankful.  But the hand surgery seemed to make things worse.  Pain is a huge problem.

But we keep going.

Tonight?  She has dance.

Tomorrow?  Gym time;  a good workout followed by a steam and hot top.

Friday night?  Cast Member for the Daddy Daughter Dance.

And we keep going.  And going.  And going.

And God's grace keeps growing.  And growing.  And growing.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, my friend! I so pray for you, applaud you, rejoice with you and agonize with you as a friend and a mother. Ashley is such a gift to everyone, and you are as well. You special ladies need to receive as well as give. None of us can ever compete with those other anonymous "others". Ashley has SO many gifts that other girls her age only dream of. You have everything you ever need.... Love and miss you...
